Sunday, July 4, 2010

This is not a goodbye letter

This not a goodbye letter

Not a person with a lot to say to you face. I first met you when I was eleven friends with the girl next door to me. The water balloon fights that never ends in sadness. The door I kept locked so you would` t come in my house i`m sorry about that. People change for the better sometimes. I always looked for you so I could say hi but when I was in the Junior high i was shy and was `t crazy about talking to people then.Then a few years later I saw you in the high school. I knew you but I don t think you remembered me or did you? The red hair from the corner of my eye. The voice that sounds so beautiful. The way you dress makes me stand up and say that`s cool.The zen-loving cool girl. Now how many people can say that about someone.I was told that you have a big heart. Never thought you were like that because when you were younger I thought you were a crazy little girl.Nowadays it doesn't matter. Because you were cool then and you still are. Always be nice to people around you.Never trying to be like everybody in school. Always trying to be yourself. That s so cool.I could never fit in school. Never like those girls who say o how s my hair my nails are broken I have to fix my nails. It`s cool that your not like the girls you see on TV. The one who are like I don`t look good enough I `m to fat when they are only 100 ponds. Not trying to be cool because what is cool anyway. That does`t matter your cool,and you don`t even know it.The coolest people are the one`s that don`t know they are the one`s that don`t know they are cool not me but that`s OK. Kurt Cobain he`s a poet in his own right. Karen `O from the yeah yeah yeah s. There music is out there but It s good also she cute. Then there Rivers Cuomo from weezer one of my favorite bands next to Led Zeppelin Nirvana and any rock or any type of music style. Now those people are cool.Now don`t forget the teacher`s if there are any you like. They could be friends from out of school to anyway that`s how I fill about that. You could be a role model for younger girls. I know it sounds like a after school special but it s true. You can laugh about it. That`s what I think anyway. People look up to you. I look up to you.Some people like to say hey she cool,you'll hear that and smile. You make girls feel better with them self. Don`t worry about kind of style you have because poets are cool on matter what kind of music they do. To me the hippie freak. Sorry I said that about you, You always seem like your mellow.Like those people in the 70`s who smokes If you do be carefully. I don`t want anything bad to happen to you if you know what I mean I could be wrong I hope, because I don`t want to find out you well overdosed on drugs. Your to cool to die. Anyway that's how I fell about that.Maybe I saw you down my back yard where the water always flows maybe not. But I can say that you have grown up fast. I will always remember that smile you had when you were younger.I wish I could go back in time So I could be better friend to you. You can t fix the past or can you? Sometimes you can. This time I can, well short of, but not with calls but with words.See I am not graduating with you because I am getting a job. Don t cry because new flowers always bloom.Cry If you want cause tears are water and they make new flower grow. So you will make new friends. I will walk away with a tear but I will walk away with a smile because your done with the high school. Keep me has memory or a dream. up to. Anyway I would like to say that your cool and you rock. I may sound like a broken record but It`s true. I may sound blue I `m quite glad that you got though. I knew you would and I was right,your future is bright that`s right,your life can now take fight you`ll be back by night. You might not pass your college test`s sorry I`m a pest. After all those test `s you can rest and don`t let me down and you will pass your test`s. I will be proud I know I sound crazy I don`t want you to fail the thing you love which is art I think. If not I `m lost which is most of the time. Sometimes I rhyme other times I don`t. Sometimes I feel like slime. Time stood still for a moment but after that it go to fast, you try to make it last has long has you can. Me I ran the other way sad to say. That`s how I play. I may have to dye my hair red but it would end up bad and that would make me mad. Just a fad that people do to be cool. Maybe I `m just a fool but you will always be cool to me, and when the time comes.You will have a kid maybe two and you name them Sunflower or star Child just kidding you can decide what to name them. Anyway not much left to say but I`m happy that your done now. You can have fun in the sun, but what s left to say but Conjurations. I hope to see you on the cover of spin magazine and I hope you have a happy life, love Matt D.

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