Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Land of the Stars and Hypes C.I.M.A PUNK

Land of the stars and Hypes C.I.M.A PUNK


Hello, I`m back and I'll be simple like two white stripes;

once again,I'll attack the land of stars and hypes.

My team of trained terrorists will take out Tinseltown.

We don`t throw bombs but we bring some stars down.

Age comes before beauty - we`re still polite.

So you won`t die another day but tonight.

you`re not like a virgin- close Madonna.

Our wit is quicker than a ray of light, so you`re agonna

It`s human nature to avoid anyone in a catsuit

who is older and more decayed then King Tut.

Please grandma, don`t preach,we`re not material guys.

We won t stuff our faces with dozens of American pies.

The youngest poppet is called Miley Cyrus.

She makes more people sick than a flu virus.

Like those sissy Somalian pirates, we rock the boat

at her party in the U.S.A., Where we'll slash her throat.

There are at least 7 things we don`t like about you.

Like a mosquito or a fly on the wall, you annoy us too.

Miley and Hannah. we`ll tear you both

and your dad will have an achy breaky heart.


We her that U2 wonder and we don`t even know

how this band can ever have the edge with Bono.

They`ll get vertigo is no angel from Harlem but a devil.

So l`ll hold her, thrill her, kiss her and then kill her.

We`re so sorry but you`ll no longer sleep on her fur.

It will be a beautiful and bloody sunday, We must admit,

When we end the marriage of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

you really must have a a hard knock life, Jay- Z.

It makes your empire state of mind crazy.

You already have 99 problems and now you have one more.

Can we get a Hail Al-Kinda'' when we beat him in this war?

You made three blueprints for the fall of your soul

but belive it or not, we have one common goal.

You also put a reward on the death of Auto-Tune.

I`ll spare you for now but your time will come soon.


Lady Gaga, put that silly smirk off your poker face.

The paparazzi of my tabloid thinks you`re a disgrace.

'' I heard you got your clothes form a kinky salvation army.''

Eh, eh, there` s nothing else you can say to harm me.

All you can and will say,is that we should'' just dance''

but it will never help you with your bad romance.

''Beautiful'',dirty, and rich and still losing love games.

I won` t wish you luck with your monster called fame.

Kayne West, Imma let you finish your praise for Beyonce

but me Taylor Swiftly announce a few things today:

We hate your 808`s heartbreaks and self-glorification.

When Jesus walks,we'll watch your college graduation.

Do you regret you can`t see yourself perform live?

Man, you`re truly the drama queen of the hip-hop hive.

You date heartless gold diggers, just to see chick flicks.

One more thing: we hope you don`t choke on fish sticks.


Author notes

V6 Kanye West`s interruption of Taylor Swift at the 2009 MTV

music video Awards.

South Park`s fishsticks''

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